
In Stock
Back to School Pack
  • Back to School Pack
  • 150 ml
  • 200 ml
  • 750ml Spray Bottle
  • 5 Litre
  • 20 Litre


Tyrosan20 is a disinfectant, sanitizer, and deodorizer.

It is proven to kill 99.9999% of pathogens, including high transmittable viruses.

It is used as a powerful yet safer disinfectant & has been shown to be efficacious against a wide range of infections, viruses etc.

TyroSan20 has been formulated using single cell electrolysis technology to meet the demands of environmental cleaning in the most challenging healthcare environments.

Our surface disinfectant has been specifically formulated for use in Care Homes, Hospitals, Hospitality, Leisure, Catering and Educational environments.

Tyrosan20 requires a few seconds contact time to kill bacteria & eliminate odours.

It can be misted into the environment when people are in place with no deleterious effects.

It can be sprayed onto a surface and left with no fear of toxic residues.

Workers do not need any PPE to handle Tyrosan20, it is a non-toxic, non-chemical & non-irritant product.

It can be used on soft and hard surfaces.

It is extremely versatile and can be used as a dip, spray, mist, or fog.

Tyrosan20 is Alcohol Free, Vegan Friendly,  Child & Pet safe.

Box Quantity: 

All sold Individually. 

750ml sold in 6's. 

Custom Tab 01

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