Bar Bottle Truck

Kellys HC
In Stock


These extremely durable and environmentally-friendly bottle skips are ideal for use in hotels and bars, where space is at a premium. Keep them behind the bar where the open top makes it easy to deposit waste and then simply wheel them out to the main bins once they’re full. They are also handy for use in factories and warehouses. The skips can be nested inside each other, making them easy to transport and saving storage space when they’re not in use, and have moulded anti-jamming lugs to prevent them from getting stuck when they’re stacked together. The bins are completely watertight to prevent liquids left in bottles from spilling out and causing a slip hazard, and the smooth insides make them easy to clean. Please note that due to the recycled construction these trucks are not food grade; please see coloured bottle skips if you need to use them in a food handling area.

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